Top 20 games of 2016
Top 20 games of 2016

top 20 games of 2016
  1. TOP 20 GAMES OF 2016 HOW TO
  2. TOP 20 GAMES OF 2016 SERIES


Swipe to choose between decisions about how to run your kingdom: fight the invaders or welcome them, build a school or don't, date the pigeon or.wait, date a pigeon? Hold on, that can't be right.

top 20 games of 2016

Within that constraint, Reigns manages to cram in an adventure that's clever, funny, and shockingly replayable, as you do your best to live as long as you can before dying (usually horribly) and being reborn as the next monarch in line. Reigns has but a single game mechanic that will immediately be familiar to anyone who's ever picked up a smartphone: swiping left or right. The best mobile game experiences take clever advantage of their platform's strengths. Truly a game that'll cause you to hoop and holler. Meaning that even four seasons - and 250 games - in, there's still the same thrill to unearthing a supreme talent through the draft, or masterminding a last-ditch play-off victory. And its rich, all-encompassing MyGM mode covers every aspect of managing an NBA side while never losing the fun factor. Matches in NBA 2K17 don't merely feel like authentic basketball, they look and sound like it too with astonishingly realistic player likenesses and insightful, just-like-on-ESPN broadcast presentation. The others are great, but still playing catch-up. But 2K nudges ahead of MLB 16 The Show, Madden 17 and NHL 17 because it's an established, class-leading veteran in terms of both on-court quality and off-court depth.


While Brits clamour for even a half-decent rugby game, and the cricketing world waits for the burgeoning Don Bradman series to fulfil its abundant potentia, all four of the big US sports - basketball, baseball, gridiron and hockey - find themselves represented to an elite level in virtual form. North American sports gamers have never had it so good. Eventually, you become so attuned with the game, so in sync with its crushing difficulty, that the rest of the world begins to melt away, leaving only you, your quickening heartbeat, and Thumper. Thumper’s convergence of sight, sound, and interactivity creates a uniquely oppressive atmosphere, weighing down on your chest in a way that even some of the best horror games can't achieve. As a silver space beetle racing down a track to do battle with a demonic hovering face, you'll tap buttons and move analog sticks along with its proggy, percussive soundtrack in order to overcome numerous obstacles at an increasingly rapid pace. But if you let one of its spindly tentacles ensnare you, there's no saving you - you're hopelessly caught up in one of the greatest rhythm games ever made. And Thumper's demands of your attention and reflexes are incredibly exhausting in a way few games can manage. Its minimalist, psychedelic aesthetic is alienating, cold, and disarming.

top 20 games of 2016

Its tunes don't exactly conform to the pleasurable formula of what humans typically consider music.

Top 20 games of 2016